Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Potato Soup

I decided while driving home from work today that I need to be a full time housewife. Anyone want to tell my husband that? It would work great if we had kids because then I would have an excuse. Actually my excuse for it is that I want to cook real meals. I love cooking but it's so hard to do when I get home from work and I'm tired. My husband loves my cooking but the only problem is I have so little time to actually do it. I think I can pull it off if I tell him the real reason behind me staying at home is so I can cook and clean for him. That's something to think about.

I've been craving potato soup for awhile now but it's been too hot to make it. Finally it's cooled off. Not to mention the rain and clouds make for perfect soup weather. So after I got a hold of my mom to get her potato soup recipe which is amazing, I decided to tweak it a little. Just a little Mom. I promise. I looked up other recipes online but none of them look even close to my mom's. After talking to her and then analyzing the recipes again, I discovered why. She uses a stick of butter. That's a whole lotta butter. But she also has a hugantic (yep I made that word up!) pot to cook it in. There's only two of us so I don't need a pot that big. Well, until the kids come along. My mom also uses instant mashed potatoes to thicken the soup. None of this cream or whatever else you use. When you have the mashed potato flakes, the whole soup tastes like a big bowl of chunky mashed potatoes and it's yummy goodness! My change was using roasted garlic mashed potatoes. So it was amazing. Topped with some bacon and cheddar cheese it was fabulous! Even my husband loved it. Actually he knew I was making it since I told him the morning. He walked in the door, came straight to the kitchen and asked when it would be ready. For once I didn't have to ask if he wanted dinner. He was ready and waiting just from the smell! And my mom would be proud: no limes or chiles! Just yummy soup goodness and French bread. I can't wait to enjoy it for lunch tomorrow.

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